Together we can do more


Partner Bank is a Member of the Austrian Deposit Insurance Scheme for Banks and Bankers. As custodian bank and asset manager it is subject to the strict control of the banking and securities regulator. Furthermore, banking confidentiality is constitutionally protected in Austria.

Customers can purchase securities and physical gold through Partner Bank. Both are legally separated from the Bank's assets and are owned by the customer.

Neither the Foundation nor Partner Bank has a participating interest in other investment companies or issuers. Partner Bank can therefore offer advisory services and select products objectively, because it does not issue any bonds, funds or certificates of its own.


Head office of Partner Bank AG:
A-4020 Linz, Goethestrasse 1a
Court of registration: Linz Regional Court
Company registration number: 90966z
VAT number: ATU 37836507
Sort code: 19170
Data Protection Register No.: 0693791
Competent regulatory authority: Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Finanzmarktaufsicht), Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, 1090 Vienna
Established: 1992
A member of the Austrian Banking Association (Bankenverband) and of the Austrian Deposit Insurance Scheme for Banks and Bankers (Einlagensicherung der Banken und Bankiers Gesellschaft m.b.H)
Telephone number: +43 (0)50 - 69 65 0